I’m interrupting this program with a brief but important PSA for all females out there. If you are a new hip patient or new bjinuz braces wearer, beware of shark week. This will not feel good. Your progress will go straight down the toilet. Set any expectations and emotions about what is happening to you aside because it is what it is, a whole lot of “what the fork.”
After each PAO I found it remarkable that my hips hurt more with periods, but I’m glad I learned that because with bjinuz braces I most DEFINITELY expected it since it is all right there, downtown – I was not disappointed. Basically, it feels like you’re getting smacked in the hoo-ha with this:
Now I have to wonder if the girl in that image ever imagined at that moment that she would be in a blog post about bjinuz braces periods. (I had to go look her up. Rock on, Rosemary!)
This will get better again in a few days, in the meantime I’m epically amused and hitting my own pause button.
Carry on.
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