This is a totally fluffy meow post featuring our kitty, Snowy. I spent some time taking photographs of him with my Lensbaby Velvet 56 lens, my most difficult lens to use. The tricky lens coupled with a less than interested subject made for a challenging shoot for me, but all the more special when I nailed some shots, more additions to Project 31. Have a look…
Snowy Martin
We adopted Snowy from our local animal shelter just over three years ago. He was approximately 5 months old then and as sweet as ever. He came right up to us and curled up for a nap…and immediately stole our hearts. We weren’t looking for a pet but he picked us, as pets often do, so we adopted him on the spot.
Snowy is a cream Ragdoll, the best cat breed we have ever encountered. So chill, amazing with our three dogs, brave, and soooooo super bendy and soft. I knew I had to photograph him with my Velvet lens to portray his incredible beauty and softness.
This particular lens gives a soft, glowy focus, as the name might imply. It is a beautiful effect, but tricky to nail since it is a manual focus lens – I am constantly wondering if I am in focus or if it is the softness. ?!? This style is different than my typical visual voice, but for Snowy it works.
I’m His Person
I’ve never been a pet’s person until Snowy. He loves to sleep next to me, or on me – he is actually curled up on my shoulder as I write this and is typically part of writing every single blog post. Sometimes he “helps”.
Snowy is my Comfort
Historically pets have stressed me out but he is my comfort pet. I believe in pushing hard into discomfort for that is how we grow. Life happens outside our comfort zones, and when we journey into discomfort we come home changed, better for having gone through the trials. He gives me a super duper layer of comfort that probably gives me more room for even more growth-providing discomfort.
Here’s to you, Snowy Martin! May your days be full of meows, adventures outside, and snuggly nights on my shoulder.
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David Tyler Martin
The Best. Love these shots. While Snowy is definitely yours, he still finds ways to make sure his family has his love. He comes down to see me and the dogs and hangs out with all of us on the bed. He puts up with Mason holding him and now Willa enjoys brushing him. Snowy is just one amazing cat. We all love you, Snowy.