As we took down our Christmas tree and decorations yesterday, it was my annual reminder to take stock on what my intentions are for the coming year. Lately I have been feeling like there has been a significant increase in Ands in my life. I have my Standard Daily Things, but now I also have More. For example – PT exercises that add a chunk of time each day, work I’m helping David with for LightLounge, soon the kids will start school which will majorly change our days, I now have weekly posing lessons which requires more time in practice each day, I’ve added more daily mobility work to counterbalance my ever decreasing ROM – a losing battle that requires more and more time and effort, I challenged myself with Project 31 last month, and, and, and. These are all things that are important to me, as are most of the Standard Daily Things. However, there is certainly room, and a need, to simplify.
My Intention
If I were to choose one word to sum up my intention for this year (and beyond) it is Simplify. As an -est person, it is in my nature to grab every brass ring, every challenge, everything that excites me and go, go, go. However, I’m feeling scattered and not my typical streamlined self with the new Ands. It is time to pause and create a new plan for myself.
It is time to reclaim my efficiency and eliminate the activities and habits that no longer serve me as they once did. It isn’t possible to do every thing, nor is it necessary. Why do we hold onto old habits? Is it easier than pausing to assess and create new, more purposeful ones? It is my time to simplify and embrace a new, more efficient approach.
Project 365
I mentioned at the start of Project 31 that I had always considered doing a Project 365 but wasn’t sold on the commitment. I’m still unsure. This is something I want in my life – I love the daily drive to create art just as I create daily words here – but do I want another And that feels like a Must? And does that obligation push me to create better art over time, or does it drive me away from creative freedom? I think as I land on some of the other things (school schedules, streamlining life in general) I will gain clarity on this. In the meantime, I’m still shooting every day.
I made a commitment to write and publish every single day during the wait between surgeries. As a challenge to myself but also so you can experience the wait with me. What does it feel like? How does one fill the space during an indefinite wait? What is the mental game? I’m sticking with this commitment, but gosh darn if I don’t hope the end of the wait comes this year! This blog has been an incredible exercise in the art of patience, one of the best gifts I’ve given myself, and hopefully others (you). But, I’d love to be writing about other things, new books.
Today I’m going to make my lists. Musts, Wants, Wishes. Today I will begin a new schedule that includes only the most important parts. It is time to create a new plan that will serve me, my family, and my goals best. Simplify is the intention that I will let guide me each day.
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