I realized yesterday that it has been a year since I initiated a major shift in my relationship with my family by sending that one very important letter to my dad. I sent that on 12/5/2020, so this time last year I was a week into the painful wait for a reply. SO much has changed since then! With him and with my family, but also everything in my life. Different perspectives abound which I am reflecting on today.
Dad Letter
This was a difficult letter to write, but SO important and ultimately beneficial. It was time to get out of my own dungeon and take charge of correcting some old mistakes and create new paths and feelings. It ultimately took until 1/22/2021 to get a reply, but this time was useful for reflecting and working through the urge to ruminate any further. And, entirely worth the wait because look at us now! I feel close and open and FREE.
Interestingly, after having thought about this all evening, the topic came up in my nighttime Headspace meditation. Here is the closing comment. I did this meditation this one twice.
Different Perspectives
With that behind me, I was able to spend the whole of 2021 moving forward in life, embracing new perspectives on, well, everything. A huge weight unloaded, shackles of my own making shed, 2021 was my year to grow and be solid. I saw myself differently, with courage on top of courage, and ran with it.
2021 Milestones
I had what was supposed to be my final surgery in January. The unexpected results of that launched me into the BY FAR most difficult leg of this journey, the beginning and daily continuation of this blog, an entirely new sport and lifestyle, new goals, and a different perspective on patience that has required me to call upon every life experience to formulate.
But none of this (except surgery) would have happened if it weren’t for writing the letter to my dad and the subsequent conversations leading to resolution, peace, and renewal. That was my ultimate launchpad to new and different perspectives.
And, the further family growth and connection that happened through the spring and summer would not have happened if it weren’t for Lucas moving out followed by his indecision about going to college after his gap year. We all woke up to familiar (from my own childhood) yet new perspectives (Lucas’) during those weeks. It was incredible to experience both situations from my own two perspectives of childhood and then parenthood.
Looking back at where I was a year ago having taken a week to pen the letter to my dad and finally send it, I’m grateful to be where I am now. That felt yucky and this feels delicious. Sometimes we have to be brave and do the hard things to grow in life and form different perspectives. What previously, for 25 years, felt impossible, no matter what I tried over the years, finally worked out, all due to a shift to different perspectives and a new approach.
Different Perspectives Reflection
Your turn. Reflect on your year and note where you have different perspectives now compared to a year ago. What do you see? How have you grown? What have you learned?
The image at the top of this post is today’s Project 31 offering, definitely a different perspective.
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