I have another Seth Godin gem that has me laughing this morning. The imagery is funny and the timing is impeccable. It’s a huge kick in my butt to drop the bad habits that have crept back in over the last three weeks and get back to living my best life, to get up and do it now.
Aimless clicking
Wandering around in a digital swamp is a pretty common way to spend an hour these days.
Alas, most of us would never consider doing this in a forest. Walking over to a tree because it looked sort of interesting, standing there for a minute, then wandering away. Tree after tree, for hours.
The thing is, the digital wandering is mostly a waste. It doesn’t free our imagination, it stifles it. It’s as if this digital version of a tree has making us stressed out as a goal…
The next time we consider wasting an afternoon clicking on whatever baits us, perhaps it might make sense going for a walk instead.
– Seth Godin, NOVEMBER 22, 2021
Tree Staring
Can you imagine? Something like this:
This has me laughing so hard, but it is true! Can you picture a forest of people wandering from tree to tree doing this? It is the physical manifestation of what we are doing with our devices, aimlessly clicking about all day.
Taking it further, it reminds me of Flick and his poor little tongue in A Christmas Story.
How on earth did anyone ever figure out that tongues stick to poles, anyway?? Was it a 5th grade science fair project gone wrong? How is this even a thing?
Can you imagine if instead of tree staring we were all sticking our tongues to poles? That feels perfectly aligned with the reality of how ludicrous endless scrolling and clicking is.
Do It Now
For me, I’ve spent the last three weeks recovering from being ill, a time when it was easy to mindlessly scroll the internet as I lounged about.
No more of that!
It is time to recreate my Do It Now list, a list of things to get up and do when the mood strikes to sit and scroll instead. I find that with a list handy, I am much more likely to be productive, set my awareness on my physical surroundings, and spend more in-person time with people. Imagine that!
What’s on the list? Things like this:
- Clean a room
- Reboot the laundry
- Play with a kid
- Do some yoga
- Practice posing
- Go for a walk
- Grab a camera and play
- Call someone
- Go do something fun, like roller skate
- Create some art
You get the idea.
Today is My Do It Now Day
Time to mark the end of recovery and close that book. New Do It Now list in hand, I’m ready!
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